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The features or implications of coalition politics or coalition government are very well summarised by J.C. Johari in the following way5 :

1. Coalitions are formed for the sake of some reward, material or psychic.

2. A coalition implies the existence of at least two partners.

3. The underlying principle of a coalition system stands on the simple fact of temporary conjunction of specific interest.

4. Coalition politics is not a static but a dynamic affair as coalition players and groups dissolve and form new ones.

5. The keynote of coalition politics is compromise, and rigid dogma has no place in it.

6. A coalition government works on the basis of a minimum programme, which may not be ideal for each partner of the coalition.

7. Pragmatism and not ideology is the hallmark of coalition politics. In making political adjustments, principles may have to be set aside.

8. The purpose of a coalition adjustment is to seize power.

In our country, we have seen coalitions coming up either before the elections or after the elections. The pre-poll coalition is considerably advantageous because it provides a common platform to the parties in order to woo the electorate on the basis of a joint manifesto. The post-election union is intended to enable constituents to share political power and run the government6 .