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11. Anomic Groups

Almond and Powell observed: "By anomic pressure groups we mean more or less a spontaneous breakthrough into the political system from the society such as riots, demonstrations, assassinations and the like. The Indian Government and bureaucratic elite, overwhelmed by the problem of economic development and scarcity of resources available to them, inevitably acquires a technocratic and anti-political frame of mind, particularistic demands of whatever kinds are denied legitimacy. As a consequence interest groups are alienated from the political system”4. Some of the anomic pressure groups are:

(i) All-India Sikh Student’s Federation.

(ii) Nava Nirman Samithi of Gujarat.

(iii) Naxalite Groups.

(iv) Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF).

(v) All Assam Student’s Union.

(vi) United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA).

(vii) Dal Khalsa.