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Instructions: Answer the following questions. Answer to each question should be in about 250 words. Each question carries 30 Marks.

1. How does the parliament exercise control over the Union Executive? How can it be made more effective?

2. Explain the ways of acquiring and losing Indian Citizenship.

3. Explain the right to freedom of religion as envisaged in the Indian Constitution.

4. Evaluate the position of the President of India.

5. Discuss the features of the party system in India.

6. Describe the procedure for the amendment of the Indian Constitution. What are the criticisms levelled against it?

7. Critically examine the extent to which the Directive Principles of State Policy have been implemented. What measures do you suggest for their better implementation?

8. Explain the principles of Indian foreign policy.

9. Critically examine the emergency powers of the Indian President.

10. Describe the relative roles of the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha in the Indian Political System.

11. Explain the jurisdiction and powers of the Supreme Court.

12. Explain the role played by the NITI Aayog in promoting the Cooperative Federalism in India.

13. "The Indian Constitution is federal in form but unitary in spirit”. Discuss.

14. What is the need for promoting National Integration in India? What measures do you suggest in this regard?

15. Describe the various constitutional provisions for the protection and development of women and children in India.

16. What has been the controversy regarding the amenability of Fundamental Rights? What constitutes the "basic structure” of the Constitution?

17. What are the changes introduced in the constitutional provisions with respect to the centre-state financial relations by the 101st Amendment Act? Explain.

18. Describe the various changes made in the Constitution by the 42nd and 44th Amendment Acts.

19. What are the anti-defection provisions under the Constitution? What are the recommendations of the National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution in this regard?

20. What is a coalition government? What has been its experience in India at the central level?