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Instructions: Answer the following questions. Answer to each question should be in about 150 words. Each question carries 15 Marks.

1. Describe the composition of the Constituent Assembly of India.

3. How does the writ jurisdiction of the Supreme Court differ from that of a High Court?

4. How the Directive Principles differ from the Fundamental Rights?

5. Explain the role of regional parties in Indian Politics.

6. Describe the composition and functions of a State Public Service Commission.

7. Explain the ideals contained in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution.

8. Examine the functioning of Judicial Review in the Indian Political System.

9. "India is a secular state”. Explain.

10. Explain the six freedoms guaranteed under Article 19 of the Constitution.

11. What is meant by President’s Rule? Explain.

12. Critically examine the discretionary powers of a State Governor.

13. Describe the composition and functions of the National Commission for Women.

14. What are the unitary features of the Indian Constitution?

15. Explain the procedure for the impeachment of the President.

16. What are the functions of the VicePresident of India? How does he differ from the American Vice-President?

17. What are the special powers enjoyed by the Rajya Saba? What is its utility?

18. Describe the powers and functions of the Speaker of Lok Sabha.

19. What is a "cut motion’? What are its different kinds? What is its significance?

20. How is the State Legislative Assembly supreme over the State Legislative Council?

21. What is the composition of the Finance Commission? What are its functions?

22. Describe the features of the new Panchayati Raj System as introduced by the 73rd Amendment Act.

23. What is voting behaviour? Explain the determinants of voting behaviour in India.

25. What are the circumstances under which the Parliament can legislate on the State List subjects?

26. What is "Sovereignty of Parliament’? Is Indian Parliament a sovereign body?

27. What are the constitutional provisions with respect to the joint sitting of the two Houses of Parliament?

28. Describe the ordinance-making power of the President of India.

29. Who are linguistic minorities? What are the constitutional safeguards for them?

30. Describe the composition and functions of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights.