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1. Answer the following (in about 250 words): 20

(a) "Disputes between the riparian states on sharing of river waters in postIndependence India are becoming increasingly complex.” Objectively analyse the major disputes in this connection, with special reference to the Southern States.

2. Answer the following (in about 150 words): 12

(a) With respect to Cooperative Societies what are the salient features of the 106th and 111th Constitutional Amendment Bills as at present?

3. Answer the following (in about 150 words): 12

(a) What are the grounds of disqualification of a Member of Parliament from either House? Quote relevant provisions in your answer.

4. Write brief but precise note on the following. Your answer should not exceed 50 words. 5

(a) Legislative powers assigned to the Rajya Sabha under Art. 249 and Art. 312 of the Constitution.

5. Answer the following (in about 150 words): 12

(a) Bring out the powers and responsibilities attached to the office of the Speaker of the Lok Sabha.

6. Answer the following, briefly but precisely. Answer should be less than 50 words. 5

(a) How is disagreement between the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of a State in passing of an ordinary Bill, resolved?