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The various functions performed and activities undertaken by the Group are as follows:

1. The Group acts as a link between the Parliament of India and the various parliaments of the world. This link is maintained through exchange of delegations, goodwill missions, correspondence, documents, etc. with foreign parliaments.

2. The Group functions as the (a) National Group of the IPU and (b) main branch of the CPA in India.

3. Addresses to the members of the Parliament by visiting Heads of State and Government of foreign countries and talks by eminent persons are arranged under the auspices of the Group.

4. Seminars and symposia on parliamentary subjects of topical interest are organised periodically at national as well as international level.

5. Members of the Group, when visiting abroad, are given letters of introduction to the Secretaries of the National Groups of the IPU and Secretaries of the CPA branches. The Indian Missions in the countries of visit are also suitably informed so as to enable them to get assistance and usual courtesies.

6. Only those members of the Parliament who are members of the Group of at least six months’ standing at the time of the composition of the delegation, may be included in the Indian Parliamentary delegations to foreign countries.

7. An uninterrupted flow of information to members regarding the activities of the Group is maintained through the IPG Newsletter brought out every quarter. It is sent regularly to all members of the Group, including associate members.

8. As per decision of the Group, an award of Outstanding Parliamentarian was instituted in the year 1995 to be given annually. A committee of five persons, constituted by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha, invites and finalises the nomination for the award.

9. To encourage bilateral relations, the Group constitutes Parliamentary Friendship Groups with other countries in the Parliament.6 The aims and objectives of the Friendship Group are to maintain political, social and cultural contacts between the two countries and to assist in exchanges of information and experiences on issues relating to parliamentary activities.