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22 Parliament

The Parliament is the legislative organ of the Union government. It occupies a pre-eminent and central position in the Indian democratic political system due to adoption of

the parliamentary form of government, also known as 'Westminster’ model of government1 .

Articles 79 to 122 in Part V of the Constitution deal with the organisation, composition, duration, officers, procedures, privileges, powers and so on of the Parliament.


ORGANISATION OF PARLIAMENTCOMPOSITION OF THE TWO HOUSES1. Representation of States2. Representation of Union Territories3. Nominated MembersComposition of Lok Sabha1. Representation of States2. Representation of Union Territories3. Nominated MembersSYSTEM OF ELECTIONS TO LOK SABHATerritorial ConstituenciesReadjustment after each CensusReservation of Seats for SCs and STsFirst-Past-The-Post SystemDURATION OF TWO HOUSESDuration of Lok SabhaMEMBERSHIP OF PARLIAMENTDisqualificationsDisqualification on Ground of DefectionVacating of Seats1. Double Membership2. Disqualification3. Resignation4. Absence5. Other casesOath or AffirmationSalaries and AllowancesPRESIDING OFFICERS OF PARLIAMENTSpeaker of Lok SabhaElection and TenureRole, Powers and FunctionsIndependence and ImpartialityDeputy Speaker of Lok SabhaPanel of Chairpersons of Lok SabhaChairman of Rajya SabhaDeputy Chairman of Rajya SabhaPanel of Vice-Chairpersons of Rajya SabhaSecretariat of ParliamentLEADERS IN PARLIAMENTLeader of the OppositionWhipSESSIONS OF PARLIAMENTAdjournmentProrogationDissolutionAdjournment ProrogationQuorumVoting in HouseLanguage in ParliamentRights of Ministers and Attorney GeneralLame-duck SessionDEVICES OF PARLIAMENTARY PROCEEDINGSZero HourMotionsClosure MotionPrivilege MotionCalling Attention MotionAdjournment MotionNo-Confidence MotionConfidence MotionCensure MotionMotion of ThanksNo-Day-Yet-Named MotionDilatory MotionPoint of OrderHalf-an-Hour DiscussionShort Duration DiscussionSpecial MentionResolutionsYouth ParliamentLEGISLATIVE PROCEDURE IN PARLIAMENTOrdinary Bills1. First Reading2. Second Reading(a) Stage of GeneraI Discussion(b) Committee Stage(c) Consideration Stage3. Third Reading4. Bill in the Second House5. Assent of the PresidentMoney BillsFinancial BillsFinancial Bills (I)Financial Bills (II)JOINT SITTING OF TWO HOUSESBUDGET IN PARLIAMENTConstitutional ProvisionsCharged ExpenditureStages in Enactment1. Presentation of Budget2. General Discussion3. Scrutiny by Departmental Committees4. Voting on Demands for Grants(a) PoIicy Cut Motion(b) Economy Cut Motion(c) Token Cut Motion5. Passing of Appropriation Bill6. Passing of Finance BillOther GrantsSupplementary GrantAdditional GrantExcess GrantVote of CreditExceptional GrantToken GrantFundsConsolidated Fund of IndiaPublic Account of IndiaContingency Fund of IndiaMULTIFUNCTIONAL ROLE OF PARLIAMENT1. Legislative Powers and Functions2. Executive Powers and Functions3. Financial Powers and Functions4. Constituent Powers and Functions5. Judicial Powers and Functions6. Electoral Powers and Functions7. Other Powers and FunctionsINEFFECTIVENESS OF PARLIAMENTARY CONTROLPOSITION OF RAJYA SABHAEqual Status with Lok SabhaUnequal Status with Lok SabhaSpecial Powers of Rajya SabhaPARLIAMENTARY PRIVILEGESClassificationCollective PrivilegesIndividual PrivilegesBreach of Privilege and Contempt of the HouseSources of PrivilegesSOVEREIGNTY OF PARLIAMENT1. Written Nature of the Constitution2. Federal System of Government3. System of Judicial Review4. Fundamental RightsConduct of BusinessDisqualifications of MembersPowers, Privileges and Immunities of Parliament and its MembersLegislative ProcedureProcedures in Financial MattersProcedure GenerallyLegislative Powers of the PresidentNOTES AND REFERENCES