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Parliamentary Forum on Millennium Development Goals

The functions of the forum are:

1. To review and enhance awareness and attention of Parliamentarians towards critical issues which have bearing on achievement of goals/targets set under Millennium Development Goals by 2015.

2. To provide a platform to Parliamentarians to exchange ideas, views, experiences, expertise and best practices in relation to implementation of Millennium Development Goals in a structured manner, through Workshops, Seminars, Orientation Programmes, etc.

3. To provide Parliamentarians an interface with civil society for highlighting issues related to Millennium Development Goals, viz. eradication of poverty; hunger; achievement of universal primary education; promotion of gender equality and empowerment of women; reduction of child mortality; improving maternal health; combating HIV/ AIDS; Malaria and other diseases; ensuring environmental sustainability and developing a global partnership for development.

4. To enable parliamentarians to interact, in an institutionalized manner with specialized UN Agencies and other comparable Multilateral Agencies, Expert Report, Studies, News and Trendanalyses, etc. regarding achievement of Millennium Development Goals.

5. To undertake any other Tasks, Projects, Assignments, etc. as the Forum may deem fit.