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Architecture is not a modern phenomenon. It began as soon as the early cave man began to build his/herown shelter to live in. Indian Architecture evolved in various stages in different parts and regions of the country. Apart from the natural and obvious evolutions from the pre historic and historic periods, evolution of Indian Architecture was generally affected by many great and important historic developments. Naturally, the emergence and decay of great empires and dynasty in the subcontinent, each in their way influenced the growth and shaped the evolution of Indian architecture.


1] Architecture and Sculpture2] Classification of India ArchitectureSignificance of Seals3.2 Sculpture3.3 Terracotta3.4 PotteryUse of Pottery3.5 Beads and Ornaments3.6 Extensive Town Planning4] Mauryan Art4.1 Pillars4.2 Stupas4.3 Caves4.4 Sculpture4.5 Pottery5] Post – Mauryan Art5.1 Caves TraditionPurpose of cave structures:5.3 SculptureLater Development in Gandhara Scuplture:6.1 Rock Cut Cave6.1.1 Ajanta CavesFresco Mural Paintings inside the Cave6.1.3 Elephanta Caves6.1.4 Bagh Caves6.1.5 Junagarh Caves (Uparkot)6.1.6 Nashik Caves6.1.7 Montepzir/Mandapeshwar Cave6.2 Sculpture6.3 Temple Architecture6.4 Styles of Temples6.4.1 Nagara School of ArchitectureTemple Architecture in South India ♤ Stage–1 Mahendra Group :– ♤ Stage-II–Narsimha Group :– ♤ Stage–III–Rajsimha Group :–Chola Sculpture: NATRAJSub Styles of Dravida Temples8.0 Vesara Style/Chalukya Style/Karnataka StyleArchitecture in Medieval India9.1 Imperial Style9.1.1 Slave dynasty (1206-1290)9.1.2 Khilji Dynasty (1290-1320)9.1.3 Tughlaqs9.1.4 Sayyid Period9.1.5 Lodi’s Style9.2 Provincial Style9.2.1 Bengal School of Architecture9.2.2 Malwa School of Architecture9.2.3 Jaunpur School of Architecture9.2.4 Bijapur School9.3 Mughal PeriodModern India and European InfluenceDifference between Portuguese and British StyleINDIAN CLASSICAL DANCEBharatnatyam DanceKuchipudiKathakali DanceKathak DanceManipuriOdissiSattriyaMohiniyattamReferences:INDIAN PAINTINGSadanga of Indian paintingGenres of Indian PaintingLater Murals10.2 Murals under the Pallava, Pandava and Chola kings10.3 Vijayanagara murals10.4 Nayaka Murals10.5 Kerala Murals11 Miniature Painting11.1 The Pala School (11th – 12th Century)11.2 Western Indian School of Painting11.3 Mughal Painting11.4 Rājput Painting12 Modern PaintingPhasesIdentityChangesDifferent forms of Traditional Theatre