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Purpose of cave structures:

5.2 Stupas

Chaitya hall, Karla

The original brick Stupa built during Ashoka’s timewas at first enclosed by wooden fence and later replaced by the massive stone balustrade. All the four gateways were now carved with beautiful sculptures. Stupa – 1 at Sanchi has upper as well as lower pradakshinapatha or circumbulatory path. It has four beautifully decorated toranas depicting various events from the life of the Buddha and the jatakas. Figure compositions are in high relief, filling up the entire

space. Depiction of picture gets naturalistic and there is no stiffness in the body. Carving

technique appeared more advanced. Symbols continued to be used representing the Buddha and the Manushi Buddhas2. According to tradition, there are 24 Buddhas but only 1st one dipankar and last six are pictorially represented at Sanchi -1.

2Manushi Buddha or Past Buddhas–Human Buddha with nirvana kaya, a body of transformation, lived among men, once performed his tasks, enters nirvana and is then beyond the power of men