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Indian painting has a very long tradition and history in Indian art. The earliest Indian paintings were the rock paintings of pre-historictimes, the petroglyphs as found in places like Bhimbetka, some of them from before 5500 BC. India's Buddhist literature is replete with examples of texts which describe palaces of the army and the aristocratic class embellished with paintings, but the paintings of theAjanta Caves are the most significant of the few survivals. Smaller scale painting in manuscripts was probably also practised in this period, though the earliest survivals are from the medieval period. Mughal painting represented a fusion of the Persian miniature with older Indian traditions, and from the 17th century its style was diffused across Indian princely courts of all religions, each developing a local style. Company paintings were made for British clients under the British raj, which from the 19th century also introduced art schools along Western lines, leading to modern Indian painting, which is increasingly returning to its Indian routes.

Indian paintings provide an aesthetic continuum that extends from the early civilisation to the present day. From being essentially religious in purpose in the beginning, Indian painting has evolved over the years to become a fusion of various cultures and traditions.


Sadanga of Indian paintingGenres of Indian PaintingLater Murals10.2 Murals under the Pallava, Pandava and Chola kings10.3 Vijayanagara murals10.4 Nayaka Murals10.5 Kerala Murals11 Miniature Painting11.1 The Pala School (11th – 12th Century)11.2 Western Indian School of Painting11.3 Mughal Painting11.4 Rājput Painting11.4.1 The Central Indian and Rajasthani Schools (17th – 19th Century) Malwa paintingKishangarh paintingMewār paintingBundi paintingKotah painting11.4.2 The Pahari Schools (17th – 19th Century)Basohli PaintingGuler paintingKangra paintingKulu – Mandi painting12 Modern PaintingPhasesIdentityChangesDifferent forms of Traditional TheatreReferences: