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9.2.4 Bijapur School

It developed during the reign of Adilshahi. And the most important example is Gol Gumbaz. The Gol Gumbad of Bijapur is the mausoleum of Muhammad Adil Shah (1627- 57). It is the largest dome cubicle in the world covering a total interior surface of over 1600 sq. metres. Architecturally it is a simple construction, its underground vaults consisting of a square grave chamber and a large single square chamber above ground. The large hemispherical dome surmounting it and then seven storeyed octagonal towers on its corners lend it a unique appearance. Each of its walls on the outside is divided into three recessed arches, the central one panelled, with

Figure 15 Gol Gumbaz

a running bracket - supported Chhajja at the cornice. A 3.4 m. wide gallery rests on its interior at the level of the drum. It is known as the whispering gallery, as even a whisper here reverberates as an echo under the dome. The large dome is hemispherical but is covered with a row of petals at the base.