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Difference between Portuguese and British Style

Iberian (Portuguese)

Gothic (British)

Material used

Brick as main material wooden roofs

and stair’s

Red sandstone and coarse


Structure variation

No creation of new shapes or

structure’s Re-interpreted western style

Involved creation of new shapes and structure’s

Plaster Carvings

Prominent feature

Ex-old Goa Church’s


Some Famous Architects of Modern India

1. Laurie Baker:He was called as the architect of the poor and the conscience keeper of India. He merged the buildings with the environment and utilized locally available materials. To reduce the consumption of steel and cement, he introduced filler slab construction. While designing he kept the eye on concerns related to ventilation and thermal comfort. He revolutionized mass housing in Kerala.

2. Karl Heinz: He was a German Architect and was commissioned with instructions that he should stay clear of elements of British or Mughal Architecture in keeping with anti-imperialistic stand of nationalists and Jamia millia Islamia Delhi. Heinz used local materials like red sand stone and lime which were easily available. Re sand stone buildings with white domes, with big courtyards and windows was the major feature. It can be called as modern style of architecture.

3. Le-Corbusier: He was a French Architect. He designed the city of Chandigarh on the pattern of well ordered matrix. He conceived the Idea of sector as self sufficient green belt. Regular grid for fast traffic was taken care of.

4. Charles-Correa:He was a Goan Architect and played pivotal role past independence. He placed special emphasis on prevailing resources, energy and climate as major determinants in the ordering of space. He did pioneer work in urban issues and low cost shelter in the third world.

Example: Planning of Navi Mumbai, Kanchenjunga apartment, Mumbai, British Council building, New Delhi, etc.