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Temple Architecture in South India

7.0 Dravida Style

South Indian temple architecture, also called Drāvida Style, architecture invariably employed for Hindu temples in modern Tamil Nadu from the 7th to the 18th century, characterized by its pyramidal, or KŪTINA-type, tower. Variant forms are found in Karnataka (formerly Mysore) and Andhra Pradesh states. The South Indian temple consists essentially of a square-chambered

sanctuary topped by a superstructure, tower, or spire and an attached pillared porch or hall (MANDAPA, or MANDAPAM), enclosed by a peristyle of cells within a rectangular court. The external walls of the temple are segmented by pilasters and carry niches housing sculpture. The superstructure or tower above the sanctuary is of the KŪTINA type and consists of an arrangement of gradually receding stories in a pyramidal shape. Each story is delineated by a parapet of miniature shrines, square at the corners and rectangular with barrel-vault roofs at the centre. The tower is topped by a dome-shaped cupola and a crowning pot and finial.

The origins of the Drāvida style can be observed in the Gupta period. The earliest extant examples of the developed style are the 7th-century rock-cut shrines at Mahābalipuram and a developed structural temple, the Shore Temple (C. 700), at the same site.

The South Indian style is most fully realized in the splendid Brhadīśvara temple at Thanjāvūr, built about 1003–10 by Rājarāja the Great, and the great temple at Gangaikondacōlapuram, built about 1025 by his son Rājendra Cōla. Subsequently, the style became increasingly elaborate—the complex of temple buildings enclosed by the court became larger, and a number of successive enclosures, each with its own gateway (GOPURA), were added. By the Vijayanagar period (1336–1565) the

GOPURAs had increased in size so that they dominated the much smaller temples inside the enclosures.

Figure 1 Brhadisvara

Four stages of temple architecture had been observed in South India Mainly during the Pallava's rule, around 6th century AD. Which are as follows:


♤ Stage–1 Mahendra Group :– ♤ Stage-II–Narsimha Group :– ♤ Stage–III–Rajsimha Group :–Chola Sculpture: NATRAJSub Styles of Dravida Temples