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4.3 Caves

Mauryan period also saw the firm establishment of rock-cut architecture. The notable rock-cut caves carved at Barabar and Nagarjuni hills near Gaya in Bihar are Sudama and Lomus Rishi cave. Architecturally, their main interest lies in being the earliest known examples in India of rock-cut method. The facade of the Lomus Rishi cave is decorated with the semicircular chaitya arch as the entrance. The elephant frieze carved in high relief on the chaitya arch shows considerable movement. The interior hall of this cave is

Lomas Rishi cave - entrance detail

rectangular with a circular chamber at the back. The entrance is located on the side wall of the hall. The cave was patronised by Ashoka for the Ajivika sect. The two important features of the caves of this period were –

1) Polishing inside the cave.

2) Development of artistic gateway.