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Contents1. Storage and Warehousing1.1. Types of Storages1.1.1. Underground Storage Structures1.1.2. Surface Storage Structures1.2. Improved Grain Storage StructuresA. For small-scale storageB. For large scale storage1.3. WarehousingRole of WarehousingWorking of WarehousesTypes of WarehousesOn the basis of Type of Commodities StoredFunctionsWarehousing Development and Regulatory Authority (WDRA)Food Corporation of India (FCI)1.4. Cold StorageStatus of Cold Storage in IndiaStorage of foods and Storage ConditionsConstruction of cold storage facility- Assistance from Government1.5. National Policy on Handling, Storage and Transportation of Foodgrains1.6. Integrated Cold Chain Availability PlatformIntended usersExpected benefits1.7. Issues with Storage1.8. Way Forward2. Transport2.1. Procurement and Distribution of Foodgrains3. Agriculture Marketing3.1. Significance of Agriculture Marketing3.2. Structure of Agricultural Marketing in India3.2.1. Agriculture Co-operative Marketing Societies3.2.2. Regulated Markets3.2.3. Public Trading3.2.4. Futures Trading3.3. Regulation of Agricultural MarketingObjectives of Regulated Marketing:3.4. Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee (APMC)APMCs are intended to be responsible for:Major Issues Involved in functioning of APMCs3.5. Model APMC Act, 2003Salient Features of the Model APMC Act ♤ The State Agricultural Marketing Board made specifically responsible for:Criticisms of Model APMC Act3.6. Model Agricultural Produce and Livestock Marketing (Promotion & Facilitation) Act, 2017ObjectivesMajor Provisions of the Draft Model ActSignificance3.7. Problems facing Agriculture Marketing in India3.8. Recent Government Measures to improve Agricultural Marketing in India4. Way ForwardV. Take fruits and vegetables out of APMC Act.5. Miscellaneous Topics5.1. National Agriculture Market (NAM)Need to unify marketsExpected Benefits5.2. Contract FarmingChallenges with Contract Farming5.3. Agricultural Price PolicyNature of Agriculture Price in IndiaObjective of Agriculture Price PolicyMajor Instruments of Agriculture Price Policy (APP) in IndiaA. MSP and Procurement PricesB. Buffer stocks and Public Distribution System6. Previous Years GS Mains Questions1. “Transportation plays an important role in agricultural efficiency and production”.2. One of the principal aims of improving agricultural marketing is to make agriculture more viable for the small farmers in India. In the above context, comment on the strengths and weaknesses of Cooperative and Contract farming in India.Answer:3. Reviving the Farm Income Insurance Scheme could be the best tool for marginal farmers to fight falling prices of agricultural products in an increasingly globalized marketplace. Explain.Answer:4. Most rural poor are excluded from the ambit of the formal financial system, which raises their dependence on informal sources as well as exposure to financial distress. In this context, explain why formal sector lending, especially to farmers, is so limited. Also suggest some steps that need to be taken to increase access to formal credit in rural areas.2016-2-763Answer:Reasons for limited formal nature of credit to farmers ♤ A part of credit under priority lending and interest subvention scheme being diverted to agribusiness, input dealers etc.Steps required to be taken5. Discuss the causes and consequences of lack of a common market in Indian agriculture. How can implementation of the National Agriculture Market help in addressing the issues involved?Answer:6. Despite being amongst the top agricultural producers, there exists a huge gap between production and availability of food grains and vegetables in India. Analyse the reasons for the same with special focus on post-harvest losses. Also enumerate the steps taken by the government to address the problem.Answer:Reasons for the low per capita availability ♤ Rationalising buffer stocks7. Previous Years UPSC Mains Questions1. What is Inclusive Growth?According to OECD ‘Inclusive growth is an economic growth that “creates opportunity for all segments of the population and distributes the dividends of increased prosperity, both in monetary and non-monetary terms, fairly across society”.2. Dimensions of Inclusive Growth4. What are the Challenges to Inclusive Growth?5. Potential for Inclusive Growth in India6. Agriculture and Inclusive Growtho Soil Health Card (SHC) scheme7. Measures for Inclusive Growtho Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act Scheme (MGNREGA)o Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (Accident Insurance)At 70, what India needs to do next is clear: democratize productivity through inclusive growth to finally reach its full economic potential.1. Global Overview of Financial InclusionFew steps towards Financial Inclusion:Global Financial Inclusion numbers:Global commitment to financial inclusion:Countries that have achieved the most progress toward financial inclusion have:2. Financial Inclusion in IndiaFinancial ExclusionThe Global Findex Report: Financial Inclusion in IndiaSignificance of Financial InclusionHousehold Access to Financial ServicesProgress of Financial Inclusion in IndiaRBI Annual Report: 2016-17*BSBDA: Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account is a no-frill savings account without the need to maintain minimum balance and where no charges are levied.Approaches to Financial Inclusion in IndiaApproaches to Financial Inclusion in India ♤ Bank led approach: ♤ Regulatory Approach: ♤ Technology Based Approach: ♤ Knowledge Based Approach:Financial Tripod4. Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY)What is this?SignificanceAchievements ♤ Helped banking sector ♤ Helped in inclusive growthChallengesWay forward5. Financial Inclusion through Digital PaymentGlobal Findex Report, 2018: India’s performance in Financial Inclusion7. Way Forward: Achieving True Financial Inclusion