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Significance of Financial Inclusion

Financial inclusion is to provide equal opportunities to vast sections of population to access mainstream financial services for better life, living and better income. It provides path for inclusive growth.

Easy access to financial services will allow the population leaving in lower strata, to save money safely and help in preventing concentration of economic power with a few individuals. It mitigates the risks that the poor could face as a result of economic shocks.

In India, The single most frequently used source of loan for medium Indian household is still moneylender. Large parts of our financial system are still hampered by political intervention and bureaucratic constraints, limiting their potential contribution. India’s poor, many of who work as agricultural and unskilled semi skilled wage laboures and low salaried workers are largely excluded from the formal financial system.

Even micro and small enterprises, find it difficult to have an access to formal sources of finance and thus are largely excluded from financial system. Over 40% of India working population earn but have no saving. Financial inclusion provides protection to poor from the control of the spurious money lenders.

Households need access to finance for several purposes like creating buffer, retirement, saving to hedge against unpredictable situations and take products for insurable contingencies. For details refer to the infographics given below: