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1.8. Way Forward

To save costs, proper plinths should be constructed in vacant government lands which can be used for temporary storage of food grains during peak procurement seasons.

Poor and reckless management and cumbersome paperwork leading to non-availability of storage space even if the space is held by damaged stock for want of disposal approvals from FCI should be dealt with appropriately by decentralized decision making.

Non adherence of safe and scientific storage methods should be dealt with an iron hand and the strictest of punishment is to be enforced and accountability fixed

Timely and systematic evacuation planning can lead to utilization of vacant storage space and minimize payment of carry over charges to state government agencies which can come in handy for construction of covered storage

Adequate planning well in advance for requisitioning of railway rakes can lead to minimization of losses and increase the economic and efficient utilization of available storage spaces.

Proper integration of all regions with an efficient and robust MIS manned by efficient and competent professionals will definitely bring about the much needed change in the storage sector

Intervention of state governments in identifying and handing over land for construction of covered storage spaces without undue delay in obtaining of various clearances will speed up addition of storage capacity.