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2. Transport

Ensuring accessibility to food in a country of India's size is a herculean task. The foodgrains are transported from the surplus States to the deficit States. FCI undertakes movement of foodgrains in order to:

A. Evacuate stocks from surplus regions

B. Meet the requirements of deficit regions for NFSA/TPDS and Other Schemes

C. Create buffer stocks in deficit regions

The foodgrain surplus is mainly confined to the Northern States, transportation involves long distance transportation throughout the country. Stocks procured in the markets and purchase centers are first collected in the nearest depot and from there dispatched to the recipient States within a limited time.

FCI moves about 270 Lakh tonnes of foodgrains over an average distance of 1500 Kms.

Movement of foodgrains is undertaken by Rail, Road and Waterways. Around 85% of stocks are moved by rail to different parts of the country.

Inter-State movement by road is mainly undertaken in those parts of the country which are not connected by rail.

A small quantity is also moved by ocean vessels to Lakshadweep and A&N Islands as well as through coastal shipping and riverine movement to Kerala/Agartala (Tripura).


2.1. Procurement and Distribution of Foodgrains