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1.4. Cold Storage

Despite, India being the largest producer of fruits and second largest producer of vegetables in the world, per capita availability of fruits and vegetables is quite low because of post harvest losses, which account for about 25% to 30% of production. Besides, quality of a sizable quantity of produce also deteriorates by the time it reaches the consumer. Most of the problems relating to the marketing of fruits and vegetables can be traced to their perishability. Perishability is responsible for high marketing costs, market gluts, price fluctuations and other similar problems. At low temperature, perishability is considerably reduced and the shelf life is increased and thus the importance of cold storage or refrigeration.

Availability of proper cold storages are important for preserving perishable commodities like milk, meat, eggs, vegetables, fruits, ornamental flowers and other floricultural goods. These cold storages give perishable food items a longer shelf life by preventing them from rotting due to humidity, high temperature and micro-organisms. This results in a decrease in loss due to spoilage.

Different products are stored at different temperatures. Flowers will remain fresh even in a moderately cool chiller whereas a product like meat needs to be deep frozen to prevent it from turning rancid. The government trains managers and operators of cold storages to store products at the optimum temperature, maintain machinery, hygiene and administration. With a view to ensuring the observance of proper conditions in the cold stores and to providing for

development of the industry in a scientific manner, the govt of India promulgated an order known as "Cold Storage Order, 1964" under Section 3 of the Essential Commodities Act,1955.

The Directorate of Marketing and Inspection of the Department of Agriculture and Co-operation provides consultancy and technical services to prospective entrepreneurs for the construction, maintenance and operation of cold storages. Other activities that the Directorate of Marketing and Inspection is involved in are preparation of a master plan for cold storage requirements at micro/macro levels, conducting seminars, problem oriented studies and coordinating research in cold storage.


Status of Cold Storage in IndiaStorage of foods and Storage ConditionsConstruction of cold storage facility- Assistance from Government