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A. For small-scale storage

PAU bin: This is a galvanized metal iron structure. Its capacity ranges from 1.5 to 15 quintals. Designed by Punjab Agricultural University.

Pusa bin: This storage structure is made of mud or bricks with a polythene film embedded within the walls.

Buffer Stock Policy of the GOI

The concept of buffer stock was first introduced during the IV Five Year Plan (1969-74).

Buffer stock of food grains in the Central Pool is maintained by the GOI for:

meeting the prescribed minimum buffer stock norms for food security

monthly release of food grains for supply through TPDS and Other Welfare Schemes

meeting emergency situations arising out of unexpected crop failure, natural disasters, etc.

price stabilisation or market intervention to augment supply so as to help moderate the open market prices.

Hapur Tekka: It is a cylindrical rubberised cloth structure supported by bamboo poles on a metal tube base, and has a small hole in the bottom through which grain can be removed.