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Global Findex Report, 2018: India’s performance in Financial Inclusion

In the last seven years, India has taken massive strides towards financial inclusion. When the first Global Findex Database was released by the World Bank in 2011, it stated that 40% of adult Indians had a bank account.

An overwhelming majority of Indians, especially in rural areas, were financially weak and were effectively excluded from the formal economy. Seven years later, almost 80% of adult Indians have bank accounts.

Today, 90% of India’s 1.3 billion population have a unique Aadhar identity, which is vital for

meeting anti-money laundering "know your customer" (KYC) requirements.

In the last four years, 330 million new Jan Dhan bank accounts have been opened.

Mobile penetration is expected to reach 90% by 2020. Internet penetration has soared, and the use of digital payments is also rising significantly.