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Transport, Communications and Trade


TRANSPORTRoadsHighways and RoadsRoads and Rural Development PlanDensity of RoadsTransform a tion of RoadsMain Problems of Road-TransportRail TransportMain Features of Indian RailwaysImpact of Railways on Economy and SocietyMerits of Railway TransportWater TransportPortsAir TransportCivil AviationProblemsMail SystemInternational MailsTelecommunicationInternetManufacturing of Telecom EquipmentsTelegraph and Telephone ServiceRadio, Television, and CinemaPrint MediaSalient Features of Foreign Trade1. Unfavourable Balance of Trade2. More Export of Manufactured Goods3. Worldwide Trade4. Change in Import6. Trade through Selected Ports7. Insignificant Position in the International Trade8. State Trading9. Increasing Import of Raw Material10. Increasing Import of Capital GoodsExport Processing Zones (EPZ)General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT)BALANCE OF TRADE AND BALANCE OF PAYMENTINDIA—SPACE PROGRAMMEPhase I: 1960-70Phase II: 1970-80Phase III: 1980-90Phase IV: 1990-2000Phase V: 2000-2010Major Events