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Main Problems of Road-Transport

Although India has one of the longest road networks in the world, it is facing a number of problems. Some of the important problems of road transport are given here:

1. Unmetalled Roads and their Improper Maintenance About 40 per eent of the roads are not metalled. Moreover, the roads are not properly maintained which accentuate the problems, especially during the rainy season.

2. Mixed Ti-affic Mixed traffic is a serious problem of Indian road transport. In fact, over greater parts of the country including the megacities, the same road is used by cars, trucks, two-wheelers, tractors, harvesters, animal driven carts, cyclists, rickshaws, and pedestrians. This increases travel time, congestion, pollution, tension, and road accidents.

3. Multiple Check Posts There arc multiple check posts, toll tax, and octroi duties collection points on the roads which bring down the speed of the traffic, waste time, and causes irritation. Moreover, the rate of road tax varies from state to state and in the different regions of the same state.

4. Inadequate Side Amenities Along the roads, repair shops, first-aid centres, telephones, toilets, restaurant, rest-places, and cheap hotels are not adequately developed.

5. Shortage of Funds There is shortage of funds for the construction and maintenance of roads. Unfortunately, there is insignificant participation of the private sector as a result of which capital for development, extension, and maintenance of roads is not adequately available.

6. Unstable Road Policy There is not a stable policy for the construction, extension, and maintenance of roads. The road policy in the states, generally changes with the change of government. This leads to poor maintenance of roads.