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International Mails

India is a member of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) since 1876 and of the Asian Pacific Postal Union (APPU) since 1964. These organisations aim at extending, facilitating, and improving postal relations among other countries. India exchanges mail with more than 217 countries by air and surface.

Money can be remitted from selected foreign countries to India by way of money orders and postal orders. India has money order service with 27 countries. India has two-way money order service with Bhutan and Nepal wherein money orders can be sent to and received from these countries. With the remaining 25 countries, only inward service is available where money orders booked in these countries can be paid in India. British Postal Orders and Irish Postal Orders are encashable in India at selected post offices.

International EMS, which started in 1986 with five countries, has now been extended to 97 countries. With a view to facilitate export and import to and from foreign destinations, principal foreign offices of exchanges have been set up at Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata, and Mumbai. In addition, six sub-foreign post offices have been established at Ahmadabad, Bangalore, Cochin,Jaipur, NOIDA, and Srinagar. Export Extension Windows have also been made operative at Guwahati, Kanpur, Ludhiana, Moradabad, Surat, and Varanasi to cater to the needs of the exporters, tourists in these areas.