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Major Events

1962: Indian National Committee for Space Research (IN CO SPAR), formed by the Department of Atomic Energy, and work on establishing Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station (TERLS) near Trivendrum began.

1963: First sounding rocket launched from TERLS on November 21, 1963. 1965: Space Science & Technology Centre (SSTC) established in Thumba. 1967: Satellite Telecommunication Earth Station set up at Ahmedabad.

1972: Space Commission and Department of Space set up.

1975: First Indian Satellite, Aryabhatt launched (April 19, 1975).

1976: Satellite Industrial Television Experiment (SITE) conducted.

1979: Bhaskara-1, an experimental satellite, launched. First experimental launch of SLV-3 with Rohini satellite on board failed.

1980: Second experimental launch of SLV-3; Rohini satellite successfully placed in orbit.

1981: Bhaskara II launched on November 20.

1982: INSAT-1A launched (April), deactivated in September.

1983: Second launch of SLV-3; RD-D2 placed in orbit. INSAT-1B launched.

1984: Indo-Soviet manned space mission (April). Rakesh Sharma became the first Indian to reach space.

1987: ASLV with SROS.S-1 satellite on board launched. 1988: First Indian Remote Sensing Satellite, IRS-1A launched. 1990: INSAT-ID launched successfully.

1991: Launch of second operational Remote Sensing Satellite, IRS-IB (August). orbit. First indigenously built satellite, INSAT-2A, launched successfully.

1993: INSAT-2B launched in July successfully. First developmental launch of PSLV with IRS-1E on board fails.

1994: Fourth developmental launch of ASLV successful (May). Second developmental launch of Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) with IRS-P2 successful (October).

1995: INSAT-2C launched in June.

1996: Third developmental launch PSLV with IRS-P3 successful in (March).

1997: INSAT-2D launched inJune and became inoperational in October. Arabsat-1C, since renamed INSAT-2DT, acquired in November. First operational launch of PSLV with IRS-1D successful (September).

1998: INSAT system capacity augmented with readiness of INSAT-2DT aquired from Arabsat (January).

1999: 1NSAT-2D the last satellite in the multi-purpose (INSAT-2D series), launched by Ariane from Kourou French Guyana (April 3, 1999). IRS-P4 (OCEANSAT), launched by Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C2).

2000: INSAT-3B was launched on March 22, 2000.

2001: Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle-Dl (GSLV-D1), the first developmental launch of GSLV V with GSAT-1 on board, partially successful.

2002: INSAT-3 CGSLV-D2 launched successfully by Ariannespace (January); launch of KALPANA-1 (September). 2003: GSLV D2, the second developmental launch of GSLV with GSAT-2, successful (May).

2004: First operational flight of GSLV (F02) unsuccessfully launches EDUSAT (September).

2005: Launch of CARTOSAT and HAM SAT by PSLV-C6 from the second launch pad (Universal Launch Pad) (May 1). ISAT-4A launched successfully on July 10, 2006. GSL V-F02 carried INSAT-4C.

2006: Second operational flight of GSLV (F02) unsuccessful July 2006.

2007: Successful launch of CARTOSAT-2, SRE-1, LAPAN-Tl JBSAT and PEIIl JENSAT-1 on PSLV V C7 on January 10, 2007.

2008: • PSLV-C11 successfully launches CHANDRAYAAN-1 from Sriharikota (October 22,2008).

• PSLV-C9 successfully launches CARTOSAT-2A, IMS-1 and 8 foreign nano satellites from Sriharikota (April 28,2008).

• PSLV-C10 successfully launches TECSAR satellite under a commercial contract with Antrix Corporation (January 21, 2008).

2009: • PSLV-C14 successfully launches Seven Satellites OCEANSAT2, FourCUBESAT Satellites and Two RUBIN-9 from Sriharikota (Sept. 23, 2009).

• PSLV-C12 successfully launches RISAT-2 and ANUSAT from Sriharikota (April 20, 2009).

2010: • GSLV-F06 launched from Shriharikota (Dec 25, 2010). GSAT-5P could not be placed into orbit as the GSLV-F06 mission was not successful.

• Successful launch of advanced communication satellite HYLAS (Highly Adaptable Satellite), built by ISRO on a commercial basis in partnership with EADS-Astrium of Europe, by Ariane-5 V198 from Kourou French Guiana (November 27, 2010).

• PSLV-C15 successfully launches Five Satellites - CARTOSAT-2B, ALSAT-2A, two nanosatellites-NLS-6.1 & 6.2 and a pico-satellite- STUDSAT from Sriharikota (July 12,2010).

• GSLV-D3 launched from Sriharikota (Apr 15,2010). GSAT-4 satellite could not be placed in orbit as flight testing of the Indigenous Cryogenic Stage in GSLV-D3 Mission was not successful.

Sriharikota (October 12, 2011).

• PSLV-C17 successfully launches GSAT-12 from Sriharikota (July 15, 2011).

• Successful launch of G SAT-8 by Ariane-5 VA-202 from Kourou French Guiana, (May 21, 2011).

• PSLV-C16 successfully launches Three Satellites - RE SOURCE SAT-2, YOUTH SAT, X-SAT from Sriharikota (April 20, 2011).

2012: • Successful launch of GSAT-10 by Ariane-5 VA-209 from Kourou French Guiana (September 29, 2012).

• ISRO’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, PSLV-C21 successfully launchesSPOT 6 and PROITERES from Sriharikota (September 09, 2012).

• PSLV-C19 successfully launches RISAT-1 from Sriharikota (April 26, 2012).

2013: • PSLV - C25 successfully launches Mars Orbiter Mission Spacecraftfrom Sriharikota (Nov 05, 2013).

• Successful launch of GSAT-7 by Ariane-5 VA-21.5 from Kourou French Guiana (August 30, 2013).

• Successful launch of INSAT-3D by Ariane-5 VA-214 from Kourou French Guiana (July 26, 2013).

• PSLV - C22 successfully launches IRNSS-1A from Sriharikota (Jul 01, 2013).

• PSLV - C20 successfully launches SARAL and six commercial payloadsfrom Sriharikota (Feb 25, 2013).


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