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Contents1. Introduction2. Need for Land Reforms in India3. Objectives of Land Reforms in India4. Historical Background5. Land Reforms in India5.1. Legal Framework for Land Reforms5.2. Measures undertaken for Land ReformsLand Policy formulation through Planning Period6. Land Acquisition in India6.1. The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 20136.2. The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement (Second Amendment) Bill, 20157. Analysis of Land Reform Measures8. Future of Land Reforms9. Suggestions for the Future10. Previous Years GS Mains Questions1. The most appropriate way to counter the ills in the practice of tenancy in rural India is to legalise it. Discuss.Answer:2. The scope of Land reforms needs to be widened beyond the mere activity of redistribution of land and fixing land ceilings to a systemic restructuring that undertakes reforms in the sector of energy and water. Discuss.Answer:3. "Contract farming with the government playing facilitator and umpire can be beneficial to farmers". In this context, critically analyse the scope and utility of contract farming in India.Answer:4. Highlight the role of institutional farm credit mechanisms in facilitating the process of land reforms in India. How can cooperative societies bring a faster change in this respect?Answer:5. Explaining the rationale behind ceiling on agricultural land holdings, discuss whether land ceiling has stifled agricultural growth in India.Answer: ♤ Arguements in Favour: ♤ Arguements Against:6. Enumerating the objectives of land reform policy in post-independence India, critically examine its implementation and achievements.Answer:Implementation of land reformsAchievements7. It is argued by many that there is an urgent need for states to reform land laws and, in particular, tenancy laws. What are the factors cited for the need of such reforms? Identify the impediments in the way of such reforms and highlight the benefits that would accrue from them.Answer:Need for tenancy reforms:Roadblocks in the wayExpected benefits after tenancy reforms:11. Previous Years UPSC Mains QuestionsContents 1. Introduction2. Relation between Infrastructure & Economic Development3. Roads and Road Transport3.1. Government Initiatives3.2. Way Ahead3.3. Additional Schemes/Initiatives3.4. New Initiatives3.5. Green Initiatives3.6. E- Initiatives3.7. Road Connectivity Projects with Neighbouring Countries3.8. Recommendations of Rakesh Mohan Committee (National Transport Development Policy Committee (NTDPC))4. Railways4.1. Rolling Stock4.2. Dedicated Freight Corridors (DFCs)4.3. Commission of Railway Safety4.4. Key Developments4.5. Various Committees for Reforms4.6. Challenges and Suggestions4.7. Key Issues5. Civil Aviation5.1. Agencies related to Civil Aviation5.2. Challenges & Recommendations5.3. Recommendations of NTDPC6. Ports and Shipping6.1. National Maritime Development Programme (NMDP)6.2. Shipping6.3. Coastal Shipping6.4. Inland Water Transport6.5. Shipping Corporation of India6.6. Shipbuilding Industry in India6.7. Key Developments6.8. Challenges6.9. Recommendations of NTDPC7. EnergyBreak up of Total Installed Capacity7.2. Energy Efficiency7.3. Energy Pricing7.4. Oil and Gas Production8. Power8.1. Power Availability in India8.2. Key Developments in Power Sector8.3. Coal9. Renewable Energy9.1. Policy Initiatives9.2. Key Developments10. Telecommunications10.1. Present Status10.2. Tele-Density10.3. Composition of the Market10.4. Broadband10.5. National Telecom Policy 201210.6. Manufacturing of Telecom Equipment10.7. Universal Service Obligation Fund10.8. National Optical Fiber Network (NOFN)10.9. Transition to New Internet Protocol10.10. Regulatory Framework10.11. Research & Development10.12. Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs)11. Kelkar Committee Report: Revisiting & Revitalizing the PPP Model of Infrastructure Development12. Previous Years GS Mains Questions1. Is increasing energy efficiency an important way to contain energy demand, without jeopardising growth? Also give an account of the measures taken up for the same.Answer:2. “In India, tertiary roads are given tertiary treatment”. In this context, elaborate on the importance of developing rural roads in the country. Also highlight the success of PMGSY in ushering the much-needed bottom-up reforms.Answer:3. Smart Grids will bring the Communication, IT and Power Technologies in unison and establish a comprehensive power infrastructure in the country”. In light of this statement elaborate the role that can be played by smart grids in solving India’s energy problems.Answer:4. Despite one of the longest coastlines in the world, India’s port facilities and shipping industry are beset by numerous problems. Explain. Discuss some of the corrective measures taken by the government to overcome these problems.Answer:5. Dedicated freight corridors have a huge potential to revive the manufacturing sector in the country Explain. What are the various issues which have slowed down the implementation of these projects?Answer:How can DFCs help in reviving the manufacturing sector:Issues slowing the implementation of projectsGovernment initiatives:Effects:Way forwardReasons for this paradox:UDAY scheme: A way out?Further reforms:Ensuring affordability and connectivityDevelopment of domestic aviation marketChallengesAnswer:13. Previous Years UPSC Mains Questions