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12. Previous Years GS Mains Questions


1. Is increasing energy efficiency an important way to contain energy demand, without jeopardising growth? Also give an account of the measures taken up for the same.Answer:2. “In India, tertiary roads are given tertiary treatment”. In this context, elaborate on the importance of developing rural roads in the country. Also highlight the success of PMGSY in ushering the much-needed bottom-up reforms.Answer:3. Smart Grids will bring the Communication, IT and Power Technologies in unison and establish a comprehensive power infrastructure in the country”. In light of this statement elaborate the role that can be played by smart grids in solving India’s energy problems.Answer:4. Despite one of the longest coastlines in the world, India’s port facilities and shipping industry are beset by numerous problems. Explain. Discuss some of the corrective measures taken by the government to overcome these problems.Answer:5. Dedicated freight corridors have a huge potential to revive the manufacturing sector in the country Explain. What are the various issues which have slowed down the implementation of these projects?Answer:How can DFCs help in reviving the manufacturing sector:Issues slowing the implementation of projects6. Examine the issue of mismatch between potential and actual utilisation of waterways in India. Give an account of the government initiatives in the recent years aimed at removing this anomaly.Answer:Government initiatives:7. Even though the construction sector has significant multiplier effect on the economy, in recent years, it has been showing signs of stress. What are the causes for such a state of affairs? In this context, also highlight the steps taken by the government.Answer:8. India’s rail infrastructure has failed to keep pace with the rate at which both passenger and freight traffic has increased substantially over the years. Comment. In light of the Kakodar committee recommendations, enumerate the measures that can be taken in this regard.Answer:Effects:Way forward9. Despite the government claiming excess electricity production, the power situation for households continues to remain bleak in many parts of the country. Explain the reasons behind this. How can the UDAY scheme help in improving the current situation?Answer:Reasons for this paradox:UDAY scheme: A way out?Further reforms:10. The recently launched UDAN scheme to develop the regional aviation market will not only ensure affordability and connectivity but also growth and development of the civil aviation market. Elaborate.Answer:Ensuring affordability and connectivityDevelopment of domestic aviation marketChallenges11. An effective multi-modal logistics and transport sector will make the Indian economy more competitive. Analyse.Answer: