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Need for tenancy reforms:

Significant tracts of land remain barren and uncultivated even after fragmentation of the land among nuclear families.

To give legal status to tenancy: Land leasing option faces legal difficulties as most States either ban tenancy or permit it strictly in certain circumstances. This has become a hindrance in progressive revenue models like that of Contract farming.

To encourage owners to take up non-farm jobs as they are hesitant now as they may lose the ownership over the land if leased out.

Due to flawed tenancy laws or their absence, farmers don’t have farm security, which reduces their incentive to improvise and make long term investment in that farm.

It is essential that we raise prosperity in agriculture as rapidly as possible as a large number of workforce will still remain dependent on agriculture in the years to come.

The existing tenancy laws only pertain to individual tenants and cultivators and not institutions. Land owners who have land that they are unable to cultivate can be encouraged to lease them to land banks.