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10. Previous Years GS Mains Questions


1. The most appropriate way to counter the ills in the practice of tenancy in rural India is to legalise it. Discuss.Answer:2. The scope of Land reforms needs to be widened beyond the mere activity of redistribution of land and fixing land ceilings to a systemic restructuring that undertakes reforms in the sector of energy and water. Discuss.Answer:3. "Contract farming with the government playing facilitator and umpire can be beneficial to farmers". In this context, critically analyse the scope and utility of contract farming in India.Answer:4. Highlight the role of institutional farm credit mechanisms in facilitating the process of land reforms in India. How can cooperative societies bring a faster change in this respect?Answer:5. Explaining the rationale behind ceiling on agricultural land holdings, discuss whether land ceiling has stifled agricultural growth in India.Answer: ♤ Arguements in Favour: ♤ Arguements Against:6. Enumerating the objectives of land reform policy in post-independence India, critically examine its implementation and achievements.Answer:Implementation of land reformsAchievements7. It is argued by many that there is an urgent need for states to reform land laws and, in particular, tenancy laws. What are the factors cited for the need of such reforms? Identify the impediments in the way of such reforms and highlight the benefits that would accrue from them.Answer:Need for tenancy reforms:Roadblocks in the wayExpected benefits after tenancy reforms: