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5. Civil Aviation

In the last decade, the Civil Aviation sector has grown at a phenomenal pace. India has emerged

as the world’s ninth largest civil aviation market.

The total passenger traffic stood at 220.12 million in FY17, which recorded 190.1 million in FY15 in India. During FY06-17, passenger traffic grew at a CAGR of 10.51% in the country. Total freight traffic registered a CAGR of 6.8 per cent over FY06-16. The growth in passenger and freight traffic has been made possible by growth in total aircraft movement, which recorded a CAGR of

5.59 per cent over FY07-17.

The Government of India (GOI) has opened airport sector to private participation and six airports across major cities are being developed under the PPP model. The Airports Authority of India (AAI) aims to bring around 250 airports under operation across the country by 2020.


5.1. Agencies related to Civil Aviation5.1.1. Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA)5.1.2. Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS)5.1.3. Airports Authority of India (AAI)5.1.4. Pawan Hans Helicopters Limited (PHHL)5.1.5. National Civil Aviation Policy (NCAP 2016)Aim of the PolicyHighlights of NCAP5/20 rule scrappedBilateral Traffic RightsEase of Doing BusinessInfrastructure Development5.2. Challenges & Recommendations5.3. Recommendations of NTDPC