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1. State Legislature


1.1. Constitutional Status1.2. Organization1.2.1. Creation and abolition of Second Chambers in States1.3. Composition of Two Houses1.4.1. Qualifications1.4.2. DisqualificationsDisqualification on the grounds of Defection1.4.3. Vacation of Seats1.5. Presiding Officers of State Legislature1.5.1. Speaker of the Assembly1.5.2. Deputy Speaker of Assembly1.5.3. Chairman of Council1.5.4. Deputy Chairman of Council1.6. Conduct of Business1.6.1. Duration1. Duration of Legislative Assembly2. Duration of Legislative Council1.6.2. Sessions of State Legislature1.7. Legislative Procedure in State LegislatureComparison of Legislative Procedure in Parliament and a Bicameral State Legislature2. With regards to Bills other than Money Bills3. Provisions for resolving a deadlock between the two HousesComparison of Legislative Procedure in Parliament and State Legislature in case of ordinary bills:The Constitution prescribes lesser importance to Legislative Council of a State compared to the Rajya Sabha because:1.8.3. Utility of Second Chamber in States1.9. Criticism of Second Chamber in States1.10. Privileges of State Legislature