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1.3. Composition of Two Houses

Legislative Assembly

Legislative Council

Permissible No. of Members

From 60 to 500 (depending on population)

Exceptions: Goa, Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim- 30 (min)

Mizoram (40), Nagaland (46)

40- 1/3rd of the total strength of Legislative Assembly

Election of members

Election by people on the basis of universal adult franchise

1/3rdare elected by the members of local bodies in the state, like municipalities, district boards, etc.

1/3rdare elected by the members of the Legislative Assembly of the state from among the members who are not the members of the Assembly.

1/12thare elected by graduates of three years standing and residing within the state. 1/12thare elected by teachers of three years standing in the state, not lower in standard

than secondary school.

Governor’s Nominations

1 member Community




1/6th of the total strength


Normal term- 5 years

LC is a continuing chamber (like Rajya

However, governor can dissolve

Sabha), not subject to dissolution. 1/3rd of

the assembly at any time. Can

members retire every second year. Hence,

be extended one year at a time

the tenure of a member is six years

during emergency by a law of


1.4. Membership of State Legislature


1.4.1. Qualifications1.4.2. DisqualificationsDisqualification on the grounds of Defection1.4.3. Vacation of Seats