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Ecosystems consisting of water as the main habitat are known as aquatic ecosystems. Aquatic ecosystems are classified based on their salt content.

i) Fresh water ecosystems- The salt content of fresh bodies is very low, always less than 5 ppt (parts per thousand). E.g lakes, ponds, pools, springs, streams, and rivers

ii) Marine ecosystems - the water bodies containing salt concentration equal to or above that of sea water (i.e., 35 ppt or above). E.g shallow seas and open ocean

iii) Brackish water ecosystems - these water bodies have salt content in between 5 to 35 ppt. e.g. estuaries, salt marshes, mangrove swamps and forests.


4.1. AQUATIC ORGANISMSi) Neuston:iii) Plankton:iv) Nekton:v) Benthos:4.1.1. Factors Limiting the Productivity of Aquatic HabitatsSunlight:Photic zone:Dissolved oxygen:Transparency:4.2.1. Ageing of Lakes4.2.2. In India4.2.4. Removal of the nutrients from a lakeAmeenpur Lake - First Biodiversity Heritage Site4.3.1. Types2. Manmade4.3.2. SourcesTrees2. Non-point sourceFLOW CHART4.3.2. EffectsNew species invasionMitigationPolicies4.4. HARMFUL ALGAL BLOOMS4.4.2. Why Red Tide is a misnomer?4.4.3. What are the causes of these blooms?4.4.4. How are HABs dangerous to fish and humans?4.4.5. Is HAB’s an environmental hazard?4.4.6. How do we get exposed to HAB toxins?4.4.7. Is it safe to eat seafood?4.4.8. HABs and Climate Change4.5. WET LAND ECOSYSTEM4.5.1. Definition4.5.2. Characteristics4.5.4. Functions of Wetlands4.5.5. Reasons for depletion4.5.6. Mitigation4.5.7. Distinction from Lakes4.5.9. India’s Wetlands4.5.10. National Wetlands Conservation Programme (NWCP)4.5.11. Criteria for Identification of Wetlands of National Importance4.5.12. Montreux RecordMontreux Record sites in IndiaNeknampur Lake - First FTW Lake4.6. ESTUARY ECOSYSTEM4.6.1. CharactersEstuary Formation:4.6.2. A Healthy Estuary4.6.3. Life in Estuary4.6.4. Benefits of Estuarine Ecosystem Environmental Benefits4.6.5. India Estuarine Ecosystem4.6.6. Issues of Indian Estuarine Ecosystem1. Water flow2. Pollution & Water Quality3. Recreation And Tourism4. Ports & Shipping5. Land-use6. Commercial Fishing & Aquaculture7. Climate ChangeDo you know?4.7. MANGROVES4.7.1. Characteristics of mangroves4.7.2. Mangrove profile in India4.7.3. Role of mangroves4.7.4. Threat4.8. CORAL REEFS4.8.2. Features4.8.3. Classification and their location4.8.4. Functions of Coral Reefs4.8.5. Threat4.8.6. Coral Bleaching4.8.7. Ecological causes of coral bleachingTemperature (Major Cause)Solar IrradianceSubaerial ExposureSedimentationFresh Water DilutionXenobioticsEpizootics4.10.1. Coastal Ocean Monitoring and Prediction System (COMAPS)4.10.2. Land Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ)4.10.3. Integrated Coastal and Marine Area Management (ICMAM)4.10.4. Society of Integrated Coastal Management (SICOM)4.10.5. Institutions for Coastal Management4.11. GANGA ACTION PLAN4.12. NAMAMI GANGA PROGRAMFollowing are proposed to be taken up under NamamiGange program:NRI Ganga Fund4.13 CLEAN GANGA FUNDBroad activities that will be financed from the Clean Ganga Fund (CGF) Fund are:Recent Measures