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Contents1. Budgeting: Meaning and Importance2. The Union of India’s Budget2.1. Components of the Government Budget2.1.1. Revenue Account2.1.2. Capital Account2.1.3. Statistics as Given by the Union Budget 2017-182.2. Stages in EnactmentPresentation of Budget3. Weaknesses in the Budgetary Process3.1. Weaknesses in Resource Allocation and Use3.2. Weaknesses in the Indian Budgetary System and Implementation4. Budgetary Reforms4.1. Medium Term Budget Frameworks4.2. Prudent Economic Assumptions4.3. Top-Down Budgeting Techniques4.4. Relaxing Central Input Controls4.5. An Increased Focus on Results4.6. Budget Transparency4.7. Modern Financial Management Practices(Kindly refer the document of Fiscal Policy for more details on FRBMA.)5.2. Budget 2017-185.2.1. Scrapping of Plan and Non-Plan classification5.2.2. Merging of Railway and General Budget5.2.3. Budget Advancement6. Evolution of Budgeting6.1. The Line Item BudgetAdvantagesDisadvantages6.2. Performance Budgeting6.3. Outcome budgeting6.4. Zero-based Budgeting6.5. Gender BudgetingNeed of Gender BudgetingChallenges and Limiting factors in Gender Budgeting6.6. E-BudgetingAdvantages7. GS Mains Test Series Questions1. What do you mean by gender budgeting? Examine the rationale and achievements of gender budgeting in India.Answer:2. What are the reasons behind a low tax base in India? Discuss the issues associated with it and the steps required to widen the tax base.Answer:A low tax collection adversely affects the economy in several ways :Way forward3. The “Outcome Budget” reflects the endeavour of the Government to convert "Outlays" into "Outcomes". Explain. Also, discuss why the potential of outcome budgeting remains untapped in the Indian context.Answer:Benefits of Outcome based BudgetingOutcome Budgeting in India:Way Forward4. "Good economics and bad politics cannot coexist in a sound budgetary process" Discuss.Answer:5. “Unspent provisions in a grant or appropriation indicate either poor budgeting or shortfall in performance or both”. Elaborate this statement in the context of budgeting in India. Also suggest few remedies to overcome it.Answer:8. Previous Years UPSC Mains QuestionsContents1. Definition of Inflation2. Types of Inflation (on the basis of rate of inflation)3. Types of Inflation (based on causes)4. Associated Terms5. Causes of Inflationb) Cost- Push Factors:c) Miscellaneous Factors:6. Impact of Inflation7. Measures to Curb Inflation and their Limitationsa) Monetary MeasuresLimitations of Monetary Measures in curbing inflation:b) Fiscal Measuresc) Administrative Measures:8. Measures of Inflation8.1. Inflation measurement based on period8.2. GDP Deflator8.3. Wholesale Price Index (WPI)Key HighlightsNew FeaturesNeed of New Series and AnalysisLimitations of WPIImportance of WPI8.4. Consumer Price Index (CPI)Recent changes in CPISalient features of new CPI index (revised in 2015)8.5. Services Price Index (SPI)8.6. Likely effect of GST on inflation ratesLikely effect of GST on inflation ♤ Effect on WPI9. Recent Policy Measures to control inflation9.1. Advantages of Monetary Policy Committee9.2. Apprehensions against Monetary Policy Committee10. GS Mains Test Series Questions1. What do you understand by inflation? Critically evaluate the growth-inflation trade- off.Answer:2. What is inflation targeting? Describe the major recommendations of the Urjit Patel Committee for it.Answer:11. Previous Year UPSC GS Mains Questions