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Way forward

Reduce corruption in tax administration to increase legitimacy of the state. This would motivate people to pay their dues.

Improve tax administration to make tax compliance easier.

Need for widening the tax base.

Explore the possibility of taxing the property tax in urban areas which has not been explored fully till now.

Do not raise tax exemption limits so frequently.

Swift implementation of big tax reforms like GST, GAAR etc.

Promoting cashless and digital transactions.

Creating awareness among consumers and establishments regarding tax discipline.

The Indian state is fiscally constrained thanks to inadequate direct tax collections. The solution is neither a sharp increase in tax rates nor a carefree disregard for fiscal imbalances. The way ahead has to be based on further tax reforms combined with better tax administration, so that more Indians pay income tax.


3. The “Outcome Budget” reflects the endeavour of the Government to convert "Outlays" into "Outcomes". Explain. Also, discuss why the potential of outcome budgeting remains untapped in the Indian context.Answer: