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7. GS Mains Test Series Questions


1. What do you mean by gender budgeting? Examine the rationale and achievements of gender budgeting in India.Answer:2. What are the reasons behind a low tax base in India? Discuss the issues associated with it and the steps required to widen the tax base.Answer:A low tax collection adversely affects the economy in several ways :Way forward3. The “Outcome Budget” reflects the endeavour of the Government to convert "Outlays" into "Outcomes". Explain. Also, discuss why the potential of outcome budgeting remains untapped in the Indian context.Answer:Benefits of Outcome based BudgetingOutcome Budgeting in India:Way Forward4. "Good economics and bad politics cannot coexist in a sound budgetary process" Discuss.Answer:5. “Unspent provisions in a grant or appropriation indicate either poor budgeting or shortfall in performance or both”. Elaborate this statement in the context of budgeting in India. Also suggest few remedies to overcome it.Answer: