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11. Previous Year UPSC GS Mains Questions

1. The phenomenon of rising prices has been largely responsible for putting Indian economy and planning out of gear; it is also a source of acute hardship to the people. What are the basic reasons for continuous inflation in India and what has been the Government strategy to control it? What specific measures have recently been taken by the Government of India for controlling price level? (200 words) (81/I/12/30)

2. 'Inflation has been a major and persistent cause of poverty and inequality in India. Analyze. (83/II/5c/20)

3. Discuss the steps taken by the Government in recent years to control inflation. (97/II/5a/20)

4. Differentiate between "galloping inflation" and "run-away inflation". (01/II/6f/2)

5. Write about Cost-push inflation. (05/II/6l/2)

6. Unemployment in India is of many types and therefore a complex issue. Describe the nature of this problem and the measures adopted to deal with it particularly in rural areas. (About 150 words) (82/II/2a/30)

7. Describe the various types of unemployment in India. What are the measures devised in the Sixth Plan to deal with rural unemployment? (82/II/6c/20)

8. Discuss the problem of rural unemployment in India. What specific schemes have been launched by the Government to generate employment opportunities in rural areas? (88/II/2a/40)
