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4. Representation of People Act, 1951


4.1. Qualifications for Members of Parliament and Members of State Legislature4.1.1. Constitutional Provisions for Membership of Parliament4.1.2. Qualifications for Membership of Parliament under RPA, 19511. Council of States (Section 3 of RPA, 1951)2. House of the People (Section 4 of RPA, 1951):4.1.3. Constitutional Provisions for membership of a State Legislature4.1.4. Qualifications for membership of a State Legislature under RPA, 19511. Legislative Assembly2. Legislative Council4.2. Provisions for Disqualification for Membership of Parliament and State Legislatures4.2.1. Constitutional Provisions(d) if he is not a citizen of India, or has voluntarily acquired the citizenship of a foreign State, or is under any acknowledgement of allegiance or adherence to a foreign State;she/he joins any political party after her/his election.4.2.3. Disqualification under RPA, 19511. Section 8(1) provides for disqualification on conviction for certain offences4.3. Disqualifications for Voting4.4. Provisions related to the declaration of assets and liabilities4.5. Provisions related to election expenses4.6. Provisions for settlement of disputes4.7. Corrupt practices and Electoral Offences4. The promotion of feelings of enmity or hatred between different classes of the citizens of India on grounds of religion, race, caste, community, or language5.2. Evolution of Model Code of Conduct:5.3. Implications of applying the model code of conduct5.4. Enforcement of MCC5.5. Contemporary Challenges in implementing Model Code of Conduct5.6. Status of Model Code of Conduct5.7. Should MCC be given legal status?Arguments against Legal status to MCC: