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she/he joins any political party after her/his election.

iii. A nominated member of Parliament or a State Legislature who is not a member of a political party at the time of her/ his nomination and who has not become a member of any political party before the expiry of six months from the date on which she/he takes her/his seat shall be disqualified if she/he joins any political party after the expiry of the said period of six months.

iv. No disqualification would be incurred when a legislature party decides to merge with another party and such decision is supported by not less than two-thirds of its members.

v. Special provision has been made to enable a person who has been elected to the office of the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker of the House of People or of the Legislative Assembly of a State or to the office of the Deputy Chairman of the Council of States or the Chairman or the Deputy Chairman of Legislative Council of a State, to sever her/his connections with her/his political party without incurring disqualification.

vi. The question as to whether a member of a House of Parliament or State Legislature has become subject to disqualification will be determined by the presiding officer of the House; whereas the question is with reference to the Presiding Officer herself/himself it will be decided by a member of the House elected by the House on that behalf.

vii. The Chairman or the Speaker of a House has been empowered to make rules for giving effect to the provisions of the Tenth Schedule. The rules shall be laid before the House and shall be subject to modifications/disapproval by the House.

viii. The Chairman or the Speaker of a House has been empowered to direct that any wilful contravention by any person of the rules made under paragraph 8 of the Tenth Schedule may be dealt with in the same manner as a breach of privilege of the House.

As per article 361B of the Constitution, such member of the House belonging to any political party who is disqualified for being a member of the House under the Tenth Schedule shall also be disqualified to hold any remunerative political post for duration of the period commencing from the date of her/his disqualification till the date on which the term of her/his office as such member would expire or till the date on which she/he contests an election to a House and is declared elected, whichever is earlier.

Remunerative political post includes any office under the Government of India or the Government of a State where the salary or remuneration for such office is paid out of the public revenue of the Government of India or the Government of the State, as the case may be; or, under a body, whether incorporated or not, which is wholly or partially owned by the Government of India or the Government of a State and the salary or remuneration for such office is paid by such body, except where such salary or remuneration paid is compensatory in nature.