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in S.R. Bommai vs. Union of India that federalism, like secularism, is a basic feature of the Constitution. With increasing emphasis on decentralization of powers to better address local needs and aspirations, the federal aspects are likely to be strengthened in future, greater nuances of which have been discussed in subsequent sections.


2. Federal Structure2.1. Union State Legislative Relations (Arts. 245 to255)(A) Territorial Jurisdiction(B) Subject MatterFig. Important Legislative CompetenceSome other provisions provide for Centre’s control over State legislation:So what is the underlying need for the Concurrent List in the Constitution?2.2. Administrative Relations (Arts. 256 to263)2.3. Financial Relations (Art.268 to Art.293)3. Taxes levied and collected by the Union, but assigned to the States within which they are leviable (Art.269):2.4. Trends in Centre-State relationsDevelopment of India’s federalism since Independence2.4.2. Sarkaria Commission2.4.3. MM Punchhi Commission2.5. Miscellaneous Issues2.5.1. Special Category Status to States2.5.2. Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS)2.5.3. NITI AYOG2.5.4. NCTC2.5.5. Issues around GST2.5.6. Federalism and Foreign Policy2.5.7. Deployment of central para-military forces in states2.5.8. Article 3703. UPSC Prelims Questions4. UPSC GS Mains QuestionsFederalism/Union State Relations5. GS Mains Test Series Questions1. “Modern Indian federalism owes its origin to the dual legacies of colonial administration and structure of Indian society.” Elaborate.2. What are the provisions of Inter State Council as mentioned in the Constitution. Have such Councils been helpful in maintaining the solidarity among the States?3. Economic and financial reforms have huge bearing on Centre – state relations. Discuss the statement in the light of economic and financial reformative measures initiated in last two decades.Answer:4. Assess the effectiveness of the institutional architecture of Indian federalism in settling inter-state disputes.Answer:Existing institutional architecture of India federalism in settling inter-state disputesThe effectiveness of the institutional architecture of India federalism in settling inter- state disputes:5. Inter-state river water disputes have been among the most pressing issues faced by the Indian federal system. In this context, examine the potential of the Inter-State River Water Disputes (Amendment) Bill, 2019 in addressing the issues involved.Answer:6. Asymmetry as an important characteristic of the Indian federalism has helped cater to the specific needs and requirements of some sub-units. Explain.Answer:Special provisions under the Indian Constitution:7. The debates on issues such as replacement of the Planning Commission or the introduction of GST often bring to the fore the issue of 'Fiscal Federalism'. What does the term denote? Discuss with the relevant constitutional provisions in mind.Answer:8. “The extra-ordinary feature of the Indian federalism is that many states get a differential treatment through appropriate constitutional provisions in light of the peculiar social and historical circumstances.” Analyse.Answer:9. In what way is the Indian constitution federal? Do you consider increasing assertiveness shown by some states as antithetical to national interest or a healthy development for Indian democracy?Answer:Part 2Part 310. The “centralised planning with pronounced socialist bias” has been responsible forAnswer:Centralised Planning:11. In a paradigmatic shift from the command and control approach of the past, NITI Aayog accommodates diverse points of view in a collaborative, rather than confrontationist setting. Comment.Answer:12. Enumerate the objectives of NITI Aayog. Also, discuss the performance of this body since its inception and suggest measures to make it more effective.2018-3-1067Answer:ObjectivesPerformance of NITI Aayog Achievements:Shortcomings/Criticism:Measures to make NITI Aayog more effective13. Mention the structure and functions of NITI Aayog. Also, comment on its contemporary relevance.Answer:Structure of NITI Aayog:Functions of NITI Aayog:Relevance of NITI Aayog in contemporary time:14. For inclusive and sustainable growth, India needs both cooperative as well as competitive federalism. Discuss.Answer:15. It is contended that GST regime will significantly curb the financial autonomy of states by taking away substantial taxation powers. In this regard, examine the impact of the GST regime on federal structure of our polity. What are the proposed mechanisms in the bill which seek to address this issue?Answer:16. Can we say that cooperative federalism in India has strengthened in the post- liberalisation era? Give reasons in support of your answer.Answer:17. Even though Indian federalism has matured quite a bit, with states having far greater control of their economic and political management, serious structural problems still remain. Discuss.Answer:Economic decentralizationControl over political managementStructural Issues