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8. Issues faced in the India Judicial System


8.1. Judicial Pendency and DelayBackgroundReasons for Judicial PendencyImpacts of Judicial PendencySteps takenMeasures which can be taken ♤ Alternate dispute resolution (ADR)-Way Forward8.2. Demand for Larger BenchesRationale behind demand for larger benches:8.3. Judicial Transparency8.3.1. Installation of CCTV cameras8.3.2. Live Streaming of Supreme Court ProceedingsBackgroundArguments in favourArguments againstWay forward8.4. Judicial AccountabilityBackgroundMeaning of AccountabilityAreas where Judicial Accountability has been found lackingImplicationsSteps taken so farMeasures which can be takenWay ForwardBackgroundArguments in favour of bringing judiciary under RTIArgument against bringing judiciary under RTIWay Forward8.4.2. Need for larger benchesBackgroundReason for demands for larger benches:Way forward8.4.3. Frequent use of Article 142BackgroundCauses of ConcernWay out8.5. Contempt of CourtBackgroundMeaning of Contempt of CourtRationale behind Contempt of CourtArguments against Contempt of CourtLaw Commission’s StandWay Forward8.6. Master of the RosterBackgroundMeaning of Master of RosterConcerns raised-Arguments against such concerns-Way Forward8.7. Judges and Post-Retirement PositionsBackgroundArguments in favourArguments againstWhat can be done to strike a balance?