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5. GS Mains Test Series Questions


1. Discuss the importance of mid-career performance appraisal for civil servants. Also evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of compulsorily retiring serving bureaucrats after such a review.Approach:Answer:This has led to problems surrounding current bureaucracy:Problems with present system of appraisal and need for new appraisal system:What is Mid Career Performance appraisal?Importance of Mid Career Performance appraisalPositives of Compulsory retirements:Negative effects:2. How does the short tenure of civil servants in India leads to their less effective management? Critically discuss the move of setting up a civil services board in order to address this issue.Approach:Answer:3. The public policy requirements of the 21st century demand a bureaucracy less generalist in nature. Analyse in the context of Indian civil services.Approach:Answer:Adopting Specialist Approach:Adopting Generalists Approach:4. Bureaucracy has a love-hate relationship with democracy. As a servant it is invaluable but as a master it can ruin us. Discuss in light of relationship between democracy and bureaucracy in India since independence. Also, examine the ways in which the democratic credentials of the bureaucracy can be strengthened.Approach:Answer:5. A healthy working relationship between Ministers and civil servants is critical for good governance in a democracy, yet civil service must remain free from political considerations. Comment.Approach:Answer:Civil service neutrality