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Paradoxically, bureaucracy and democracy are often considered as complementary and antithetical properties of political systems. Bureaucracy plays some important functions in democracy e.g. Bureaucracy helps in strengthening rule of law, conducting free and fair elections, establishing economic democracy and implementation/evaluation of policies and monitors.

Bureaucracy in initial 40 years of democracy functioned as very powerful, secretive and elitist organization in delivering public goods. However in post 1990s with emphasis on

participatory democracy and decentralization it has been changing its character to more open and active organization sensitive to public needs.

However, there have been allegations against bureaucracy questioning its democratic credentials:

It transforms from an instrument to its institution having its own privileges and concerns.

The system rigidities, needless complexities and over centralisation in the policy and management structures within the bureaucratic functions are too complex and often too constraining.

Our society is witnessing rapid changes in terms of economic growth, urbanization, technological changes etc. The perception is that bureaucracy is resistant to such changes.

It often stifles the role of civil society, political parties and local bodies.

Neutrality of bureaucrats stands compromised.

Bureaucracy tends to become intrusive in private lives of people by developing systems of collecting, storing, analysing and retrieving ever increasing values of information about the citizens.

Success of American bureaucracy is often related to its representative character. It is considered as microcosm of entire society. Indian bureaucracy doesn’t measure up to this standard.

Suggestions to improve democratic credentials of bureaucracy:

The development works need some flexibility from a strict observance of rigid rules and regulations.

Reforms are required in the field of recruitment of civil servants.

Effective implementation of tools such as RTI, Citizen Charter, Social Audit, Lokapl etc.

There must be exemplary and quick action against the corrupt.

Bureaucracy should be oriented towards greater stakeholder participation.

Strengthening e-governance will ensure accountability.

Decentralization of authority and collegiate decision will enhance democratic credentials.