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23.1. UNFCCC23.2. KYOTO PROTOCOL: COP- Targets23.2.2. The objectives of Kyoto mechanisms:23.2.3. Non-Compliance of Kyoto And Penalties23.3. BALI MEET:23.3.1. Bali Roadmap23.4. COP 15 COPENHAGEN SUMMIT:23.5. COP 16 CANCUN SUMMIT23.5.1. Cancun Agreements23.5.2. Mechanism of COP 1623.6. COP 17 DURBAN SUMMIT23.7 DOHA OUTCOMES COP 18, 2012Amendment of the Kyoto ProtocolCompletion of new infrastructure23.8 WARSAW OUTCOMES,COP 19, 2013Closing the pre-2020 ambition gap23.9 LIMA OUTCOMES,COP 20, 2014Steps Forward on AdaptationNew climate action portalLima Work Programme on GenderUNFCCC NAMA DayClimate action on the ground celebrated23.10 PARIS CLIMATE CHANGE CONFERENCE COP 21, 2015Objectives of the Paris Agreement23.11 MARRAKECH CLIMATE CHANGEFinanceGlobal Stocktake“Orphan” issuesAdaptation Fund2018 Facilitative DialogueMid-century StrategiesFinanceLoss and Damage23.12 BONN CLIMATE CHANGE CONFERENCE - COP23, 2017Key outcomes agreed at the UN climate talks in Bonn Powering Past Coal AllianceFiji’s COPTalanoa DialogueInsu Resilience Global PartnershipCOP2423.13. OTHER MECHANISMS OF UNFCCC23.14. REDD & REDD+23.15. THE GEF23.16. CLIMATE-SMART AGRICULTURE23.17. INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE (IPCC)23.17.1. Assessment Reports23.18. NATIONAL GREEN HOUSE GAS INVENTORIES PROGRAMME (NGGIP)Mandate23.19. GREEN ECONOMYMeasures to adapt green economy23.20 THE ECONOMICS OF ECOSYSTEMS AND BIODIVERSITY (TEEB)ObjectiveAim23.21 ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT23.22 . GLOBAL CLIMATE FINANCE ARCHITECTUREStrategic Climate FundForest Investment ProgramPilot Program for Climate ResilienceScaling-Up Renewable Energy Program for Low Income CountriesBiocarbon FundClean Technology FundForest Carbon Partnership FacilityPartnership for Market ReadinessSpecial Climate Change FundStrategic Priority on AdaptationGEF Trust Fund - Climate Change focal areaLeast Developed Countries FundGreen Climate FundAdaptation FundGlobal Climate Change AllianceGlobal Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy FundMDG Achievement Fund - Environment and Climate Change thematic windowUN-REDD ProgrammeAdaptation for Smallholder Agriculture ProgramAmazon Fund (Fundo Amazonia)Congo Basin Forest FundIndonesia Climate Change Trust Fund