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23.5.2. Mechanism of COP 16

Three mechanisms that are outcome of CoP 16 are

1. Technology mechanism

2. Green climate fund

3. Adaptation fund

Technology Mechanism

A Technology Mechanism, under the guidance of and accountable to the Conference of the Parties (COP), was established by the 16th session of the COP in Cancun 2010.

The Technology Mechanism is expected to facilitate the implementation of enhanced action on technology development and transfer in order to support action on mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

Green Climate Fund

At COP 16, Parties, established a Green Climate Fund (GCF) as an operating entity of the financial mechanism of the Convention under Article 11.

The GCF will support projects, programmes, policies and other activities in developing country Parties. The Fund will be governed by the GCF Board.

The World Bank was invited by the COP to serve as the interim trustee of the GCF, subject to a review three years after operationalization of the Fund.

The COP also decided that an independent secretariat will support the operations of the Fund. The COP also decided that the GCF was to be designed by the Transitional Committee (TC).

Do you know?

At the time of nesting, the female hornbill starts living in a tree hollow sealed with dung and pellets of mud. The male collects the pellets, swallows them and regurgitates small saliva-cased building materials. This material is given to the female, along with food, through a slit in the tree seal. The process of incubation continues for 6-8 weeks. The female hornbill comes out only after she has molted and fresh feathers have grown on her and her young ones.

Adaptation Fund Do you know?

The only endemic genus in the hotspot is the Nama-dapha flying squirrel which is critically endangered and is described only from a single specimen from Namdapha National Park

The Adaptation Fund was established to finance concrete adaptation projects and programmes in developing country Parties to the Kyoto Protocol that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change.

The Adaptation Fund is financed from the share of proceeds on the clean development mechanism project activities and other sources of funding. The share of proceeds amounts to 2% of certified emission reductions (CERs) issued for a CDM project activity.

The Adaptation Fund is supervised and managed by the Adaptation Fund Board (AFB). The AFB is composed of 16 members and 16 alternates and meets at least twice a year.

Upon invitation from Parties, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) provides secretariat services to the AFB and the World Bank serves as trustee of the Adaptation Fund, both on an interim basis.