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Steps Forward on Adaptation

Progress was made in Lima on elevating adaptation onto the same level as the curbing and cutting of curbing greenhouse gas emissions. This will be done through National Adaptation Plans (NAPs).

NAPs will now be made more visible via the UNFCCC website which should improve the opportunity for receiving backing.

A NAP Global Network was launched involving Peru, the US, Germany, the Philippines, Togo, the UK, Jamaica, and Japan.

The Lima Adaptation Knowledge initiative--a pilot project in the Andes under the Nairobi Work Programme--has underlined that establishing the adaptive needs of communities can be successfully captured.

Countries supported the idea of replicating this in Least Developed Countries, Small Island Developing States and Africa.

More Countries Accept the Kyoto Protocol Doha Amendment

Nauru and Tuvalu submitted their instrument of acceptance to the Doha amendment, bringing the number of Parties to 21. Acceptance of 144 countries are required to bring it into force.