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In addition, India has 24 other “Critical Initiatives” in the anvil, for which detailed plans and an institutional framework is being prepared



Energy Efficiency in Power Generation

Super critical technologies

Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC)


Natural Gas based Power Plants

Closed Cycle Three Stage Nuclear Power Programme Efficient Transmission and Distribution


Other Renewable Energy Technologies Programmes

RETs for power generation

Biomass based popup generation technologies Small scale Hydropower

Wind Energy

Grid connected systems

RETs for transportation and industrial fuels

Disaster Management Response to Extreme Climate Events

Reducing risk to infrastructure through better design

Strengthening communication networks and disaster management facilities

Protection of Coastal Areas

Undertake measures for coastal protection and setting up Early Warning System Development of a regional ocean modelling system

High resolution coupled ocean-atmosphere variability studies in tropical oceans

Development of a high-resolution storm surge model for coastal regions Development of salinity-tolerant crop cultivars

Community awareness on coastal disasters and necessary action; Timely forecasting, cyclone and flood warning systems

Enhanced plantation and regeneration of mangroves and coastal forests

Health Sector

Provision of enhanced public health care services and assessment of increased burden of disease due to climate change

Creating appropriate capacity at different levels of Government

Building capacity in the Central, State and other at the local level to assimilate and facilitate the implementation of the activities of national plan