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Contents1. Models Used in the Planning Process1.1. Harrod – Domar Growth Model1.1.1. Relevance of Harrod-Domar Model for Developing Countries1.2. Mahalanobis Strategy of Economic Growth1.3. Planning Model Adopted in India2. Infrastructure Investment Models2.1. Financing of Infrastructure: Need, Issue and Challenges2.2. Issues in Infrastructure Financing2.3. Measures Taken by the Government2.4. Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in Infrastructure2.4.1. What advantages PPPs may provide?2.4.2. How a PPP project is different from a conventional project?2.4.3. Are there any limitations of PPPs?2.4.4. Models of PPPTurnkeyAffermage/LeaseConcessions: BOT/BTO/BROT/BLTUnderstanding the basic structure of a PPP arrangementPPP Initiatives in India2.5. EPC MODEL2.5.1. How is EPC different and better than PPP?2.5.2. Some issues with EPC model2.6. Swiss Challenge Model2.6.1. Advantages2.6.2. Problems with this Model2.6.3. Suitability of Model to Indian situation2.7. Hybrid Annuity Model2.7.1. Salient Features2.7.2. Advantages of this Model2.7.3. Need of this Model2.7.4. Challenges in this Model3. Models of Foreign Investment3.1. Why the Need for Foreign investment?3.2. Forms of Foreign Investment3.3. Foreign Direct Investment3.3.1. Forms of FDI3.3.2. Why FDI preferred?3.3.3. Forbidden Territories3.4. Foreign Institutional Investors3.5. Recent Initiatives to promote Foreign Investment3.5.1. Expansion of Qualified Foreign Investors (QFIs ) Scheme3.5.2. Categorization of NRI investment as domestic investment3.5.3. What More Needs to be Done to Promote Investment and Increase Efficiency of Investment?4. Previous Years GS Mains Questions1. What is National Investment Fund? Discuss its salient features and changes incorporated in its recent restructuring.Answer:Restructuring:2. Highlight the problems in the BOT mode for road transport. How will switching to the EPC mode solve these problems?Answer:3. India has emerged as the world’s largest PPP market with more than 900 projects in various stages of development yet challenges galore. Explain. How far would the ‘3P India’ Initiative be able to address these challenges?Answer:How can 3P India address these challenges?4. Explaining the Hybrid Annuity Model, discuss how far it can help to revive private participation in large infrastructure projects.Answer:How Hybrid Annuity Model will revive private participation in large infrastructure projects:5. Explain the key issues in infrastructure financing in India. What steps have been taken by the government to address these issues?Answer:Issues in Infrastructure FinancingSteps taken by the Government5. Previous Years UPSC Mains Questions