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Contents1. Introduction2. Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH)The restructured NBM strives:3. National Mission on Agriculture Extension and Technology (NMAET)1. Sub Mission on Agriculture Extension (SMAE):2. Sub Mission on Seed and Planting Material (SMSP):4. National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm (NMOOP)5. National Saffron Mission ♤ Saffron Mission comes under the umbrella of Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) now.7. Technology Mission on Coconut8. Technology Mission on Oilseeds, Pulses and Maize (TMOP)9. Jute Technology Mission10. Technology Mission on Cotton (TMC)11. Sugar Technology Mission12. National Mission on Bio Diesel ♤ The target of 20% bio fuel blending has been set to be achieved by 2017 which is yet to be achieved. ♤ This scheme was delinked from Central Government support in 2015 after 14th Finance Commission devolved more funds to States.14. National Food Security Mission ♤ In NFSM during 2016-17, new initiatives to enhance production and productivity has been adopted such as free of cost distribution of seed mini kits of newer varieties of pulses, creation of seed hubs, bio fertilisers and bio agent labs, technological demonstration by KVKs etc.15. National Mission on Medicinal Plants16. National Mission on Micro-Irrigation ♤ The same is now implemented as “Per Drop More Crop” component under PMKSY from18. Green Revolution – Krishonnati Yojana19. Previous Year GS Mains Test Series Questions1. Enumerate some of the technology missions launched by Government of India and assess their impact on Indian Agriculture. What are the aims and objectives of National Mission on Agricultural Extension and Technology (NMAET)?2014-4262. Explain the role of agricultural extension in boosting agricultural productivity. Also, discuss in brief the importance of National Mission on Agricultural Extension & Technology.Answer:3. Discuss the potential of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to improve the livelihood of farmers in India. What are the initiatives taken by the government under 'National e-Governance Plan in Agriculture (NeGP-A)' in this regard?Answer:4. Write short note on National Horticulture Mission.